16 April 2008

Dolsot Bibimbap

I should figure out twitter. Also, I should probably be sleeping, but it's kind of hard after all that iced tea. I have this incredible weakness for AriZona Iced Tea because it's essentially an Arnold Palmer, what with all the sugar and lemon. Note: sweet tea is gross; this is not sweet tea.

So it's been decided that this is going to become a ~personal~ blog as well, because... why not? Mostly about food though. I had dinner at Charlie Kang's last night. This isn't new or different, except it should be stated that though I love gochuchang as much as the next person, it does not feel good going through my sinuses. I have a horrible, disgusting story for those so inclined. I bet you aren't.

We're visiting Austin in May so we can scout out housing for June. I'm putting in an application to live in university housing as well. This is all rather frightening and adult of me. As much as I've become "independent" in college, moving away like this is far different. Maybe this is why I've stalled on all things pertaining to me getting the hell out of here...

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