29 March 2013
fucking thesis.
subroutine lineplot
c this routine plots individual Fe and Ti line abundances versus
c E.P. and log(R.W.)
implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
include 'quants.com'
include 'characts.com'
integer ion10(4)
data (ion10(iqq),iqq=1,4) / 221, 222, 261, 262 /
real*4 xline(200), yline(200), zline(200)
real*4 xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, xpos, ypos, style(1)
real*4 ptypeneed(4)
data (ptypeneed(iqq),iqq=1,4) / 40.6, 30.8, 243.7, 41.9 /
integer sm_device
character*60 shortline
character*3 plotname(4)
data (plotname(iqq),iqq=1,4) / 'Ti1', 'Ti2', 'Fe1', 'Fe2' /
character*1 chars(80)
equivalence (chars,lnpsfile)
c*****create and open the line plot postscript file
line = '.plnxx'
if (niter .lt. 10) then
write (line(5:6),1020) niter
1020 format ('0', i1)
write (line(5:6),1021) niter
1021 format (i2)
call meld (starname, line, lnpsfile, ifile)
if (ifile .lt. 10) then
write (shortline,1003) ifile
write (shortline,1004) ifile
1003 format ('(13hpostlandfile ,a',i1,'$)')
1004 format ('(13hpostlandfile ,a',i2,'$)')
write (line,shortline) lnpsfile(1:ifile)
if (sm_device(line(1:13+ifile)) .lt. 0) then
write (*,1005) shortline(1:ifile+13)
1005 format ('FILE OPENING ERROR:',a60)
c*****set up, label, etc., the upper plot window for trends with RW
call sm_graphics
call sm_erase
call sm_location (5500,30500,4500,30500)
call sm_defvar ('y_gutter', '0.70')
call sm_expand (1.0)
call sm_window (1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2)
xmin = -6.2
xmax = -4.2
ymin = -0.7
ymax = +0.7
call sm_limits (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
call sm_lweight (4.0)
call sm_ctype ('black')
call sm_expand (1.01)
call sm_box (1, 2, 0, 0)
call sm_xlabel ('log RW')
call sm_ylabel ('\\gD log(\\ge)')
call sm_ltype (1)
xpos = xmin
ypos = 0.
call sm_relocate (xpos, ypos)
xpos = xmax
call sm_draw (xpos, ypos)
call sm_ltype (0)
c*****write the star name and the assumed stellar parameters in the box
xpos = -5.20
ypos = +0.55
call sm_relocate (xpos, ypos)
call sm_putlabel (5, starname(1:iname))
write (shortline,1001) int(teff+0.001), logg, fehadopt, vt
1001 format ('T ', i4, ' g ', f4.2, ' M/H ', f5.2,
. ' v_t ', f4.2)
ypos = -0.40
call sm_relocate (xpos, ypos)
call sm_expand (0.85)
call sm_putlabel (5, shortline(1:32))
c*****draw the mean trend of Fe I abundance with RW
call sm_ctype ('green')
xpos = xmin
ypos = rwintercept(26,1) + xmin*rwslope(26,1) - abfe
call sm_relocate (xpos, ypos)
xpos = xmax
ypos = rwintercept(26,1) + xmax*rwslope(26,1) - abfe
call sm_draw (xpos, ypos)
xpos = -6.25
ypos = +0.80
call sm_relocate (xpos, ypos)
call sm_expand (0.80)
call sm_ctype ('black')
call sm_putlabel (6,'(mean,sigma,#)')
xpos = xmin +0.1
ypos = +0.60
call sm_relocate (xpos,ypos)
call sm_putlabel (6,itercomm)
c if (disaster .gt. 0) then
c xpos = -5.20
c ypos = +0.65
c call sm_relocate (xpos,ypos)
c call sm_putlabel (6,'GROSS CHANGE!!')
c endif
c*****find and plot the individual line abundances for Fe I,II, and Ti I,II
do iqq=1,4
nlo = 0
nhi = 0
if (ion10(iqq)/10 .eq. 22) then
call sm_ctype ('red')
call sm_ctype ('blue')
pause 'L131 get nline?'
print*, 'L132 nline = ',nline
do j=1,nline
if (lineid10(j) .eq. ion10(iqq)) then
nlo = j
do k=nlo+1,nline
if (lineid10(k) .ne. ion10(iqq)) then
nhi = k - 1
go to 10
nhi = nline
go to 10
10 if (nlo .ne. 0) then
nplot = 0
do j=nlo,nhi
nplot = nplot + 1
yline(nplot) = real(linerw(j))
if (ion10(iqq)/10 .eq. 22) then
zline(nplot) = real(lineab(j)-abti)
zline(nplot) = real(lineab(j)-abfe)
style(1) = ptypeneed(iqq)
call sm_expand (2.0)
call sm_ptype (style,1)
call sm_points (yline, zline, nplot)
ii = ion10(iqq)/10
jj = ion10(iqq) - 10*ii
write (shortline,1010) plotname(iqq), specab(ii,jj),
. specdev(ii,jj), specnum(ii,jj)
1010 format (a3, '(', f5.2, ',', f4.2, ',', i3, ')')
call sm_expand (0.80)
xpos = -6.30 + 0.45*iqq
ypos = +0.80
call sm_relocate (xpos, ypos)
call sm_putlabel (6,shortline(1:19))
c*****set up, label, etc., the lower plot window for trends with EP
call sm_expand (1.0)
call sm_window (1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1)
xmin = -0.05
xmax = 5.00
ymin = -0.7
ymax = +0.7
call sm_limits (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
call sm_lweight (4.0)
call sm_ctype ('black')
call sm_expand (1.01)
call sm_box (1, 2, 0, 0)
call sm_xlabel ('E.P.')
call sm_ylabel ('\\gD log(\\ge)')
call sm_ltype (1)
xpos = xmin
ypos = 0.
call sm_relocate (xpos, ypos)
xpos = xmax
call sm_draw (xpos, ypos)
call sm_ltype (0)
c*****draw the mean trend of Fe I abundance with EP
call sm_ctype ('green')
xpos = xmin
ypos = epintercept(26,1) + xmin*epslope(26,1) - abfe
call sm_relocate (xpos, ypos)
xpos = xmax
ypos = epintercept(26,1) + xmax*epslope(26,1) - abfe
call sm_draw (xpos, ypos)
c pause 'it will crash after getting to i=3'
c*****find and plot the individual line abundances for Fe I,II, and Ti I,II
do iqq=1,4
nlo = 0
nhi = 0
print*, "L214 iqq = ",iqq
pause 'L215 before print'
print*, "L216 nlo =",nlo," nhi =",nhi
print*, 'L217 ion10(iqq)/10 =', ion10(iqq)/10," iqq=",iqq
pause 'L218 after print'
if (ion10(iqq)/10 .eq. 22) then
call sm_ctype ('red')
call sm_ctype ('blue')
print*, 'L224 iqq=',iqq
do j=1,nline
if (lineid10(j) .eq. ion10(iqq)) then
nlo = j
do k=nlo+1,nline
if (lineid10(k) .ne. ion10(iqq)) then
nhi = k - 1
iqq2 = iqq
go to 20
nhi = nline
go to 20
20 if (nlo .ne. 0) then
c pause 'I think the problem is in the do loop below'
nplot = 0
print*, "L243 nlo =", nlo," nhi= ",nhi
do j=nlo,nhi
print*, "L245 j=",j," nlo =", nlo," nhi= ",nhi
nplot = nplot + 1
print*, "L247 iqq = ", iqq
xline(nplot) = real(lineep(j))
print*, "L249 iqq = ", iqq
if (ion10(iqq2)/10 .eq. 22) then
print*, "L251 iqq = ", iqq
zline(nplot) = real(lineab(j)-abti)
print*, "L253 iqq = ", iqq
print*, "L255 iqq = ", iqq
zline(nplot) = real(lineab(j)-abfe)
print*, "L257 iqq = ", iqq
c pause 'it seg faults if this pause isnt put in'
print*, "L260 iqq = ", iqq
style(1) = ptypeneed(iqq2)
call sm_expand (2.0)
call sm_ptype (style,1)
call sm_points (xline, zline, nplot)
print*, "L268 iqq = ", iqq
c*****add a legend to identify the species symbols
do iqq=1,4
if (ion10(iqq)/10 .eq. 22) then
call sm_ctype ('red')
call sm_ctype ('blue')
call sm_relocate (0.40+real(iqq-1), -0.45)
style(1) = ptypeneed(iqq)
call sm_expand (2.0)
call sm_ptype (style,1)
call sm_dot
call sm_expand (0.75)
call sm_relocate (0.55+real(iqq-1), -0.45)
call sm_putlabel (6,plotname(iqq))
if (nlo .eq. 0) then
call sm_relocate (0.55+real(iqq-1), -0.35)
call sm_expand (0.75)
call sm_putlabel (5,'(NO LINES)')
if (iqq .eq. 1) then
call sm_ctype ('black')
call sm_relocate (2.2, -0.25)
call sm_putlabel
. (5,'--> model has been forced off the grid <-- p=""> endif
c*****end the plot, close the file, note in the log
call sm_gflush
call sm_alpha
call sm_hardcopy
write (99,1006) (chars(iqq),iqq=1,ifile)
1006 format (' made a plot of Fe and Ti line abundances: ', 40a1)
if (machine .eq. 'pcr') then
if (ifile .lt. 10) then
write (shortline,1011) ifile
1011 format ('(14hgv -landscape ,a', i1,
. ', 2h &', '$)')
write (shortline,1012) ifile
1012 format ('(14hgv -landscape ,a', i2,
. ', 2h &', '$)')
elseif (machine .eq. 'pcl') then
if (ifile .lt. 10) then
write (shortline,1013) ifile
1013 format ('(26hgv -orientation=landscape ,a', i1,
. ', 2h &', '$)')
write (shortline,1014) ifile
1014 format ('(26hgv -orientation=landscape ,a', i2,
. ', 2h &', '$)')
elseif (machine .eq. 'mac') then
if (ifile .lt. 10) then
write (shortline,1015) ifile
1015 format (
. '(37hgv -orientation=landscape -scale=0.5 ,a', i1,
. ', 2h &', '$)')
write (shortline,1016) ifile
1016 format (
. '(37hgv -orientation=landscape -scale=0.5 ,a', i2,
. ', 2h &', '$)')
c pause 'note stuff in log'
c*****comment next to lines to supress atmosphere pop-up plots
write (line,shortline) lnpsfile(1:ifile)
c call system (line)
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