Austin Bakes for West was a resounding success. Bakers, baked-good aficionados, and online donors raised $19,377! This was well over the $15,000 goal. Thank you so much if you came out to the sale or donated your time, money, or goods! A super special thank you to Kathryn of Austin Gastronomist for organizing this and all of the site leaders as well. Megan of Stetted and Steff of The Kitchen Trials were the site leaders at Stiles Switch BBQ and they helped us have a fun, productive sale! Also greatly deserving of credit is Stiles Switch BBQ for making tray-upon-tray of delicious sausage kolaches, letting the bake sale run late, and being a great party host to boot!
I would totally post pictures, but in the interest of actually getting a post up, here's a link to some pictures and the wrap up post over at Austin Bakes.